Do you know for God was hard to give His Son to sacrifice to death for us?

I'm not gonna prolong this article, for not letting you boring on this page.
Yes! For God was really hard to give His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins on the cross. But God had the power and the strength to do that because He loved us so, so much. By the love for us that was motivated to die for our sins, He taught that the humanity is in danger to go in hell and He does not want to see humanity in hell. The hell has been prepared for Satan and for demons.

God Father was a real Father for Jesus Christ. Even if in heaven is named in the Word of God, when He was conceived by Holy Spirit and born by the virgin Mary, Jesus Christ has became the beautiful Son of God. Not just the fact that God has behave as a Father, but He really is the Father of Jesus Christ and I'm so happy for that. In this way we can see that God has created us as His image, according to His likeness. We see so many fathers, sons and mothers in this world created by God.

I'm pretty sure that you have a son or a daughter. Lets say that this world got sick from disease that has no cure. But your child has that cure in his blood; what ever is: son or daughter. The world to by saved and cured has no need just a drop of his blood, but the whole cantity of his blood from his body, which mean that he or she must die that the world to be saved and cure.

What are you gonna do? How hard would be for you to give your child to die for the world? Would you do it? How much would you suffer to see your son dying to save all the world? From the beginning God suffered for this world so much when this world fell into sin. He suffered so much that He dared to let Jesus Christ to die for our sins. God hates the sin, but He loves the siner, which means that He was ready to let Jesus Christ to die for our sins.

Why we can have and see God as our Father? Well, of course, I'm happy to say that because of Jesus Christ once again. The fact that Jesus Christ has became the Son of God, the One who is part of Trinity, it shows us that He is our truly Father in heaven and even Jesus Christ has discover this in the prayer "Our Father in heaven". In a discussion picture with Nicodemus in the Gospel of John, chapter 3, Jesus discover us that anyone that has been born again, become a real child of God and from the moment that person is born again Holy Spirit will stay forever in his inner side to guide, to protect, to strength that person.

God really loves us, is our Father in heaven, but He hates the sin. Also He keeps His right to remain and to be our Lord, King and the Great Savior. I love God and I want to stay closer to Him. Pray for me, cause I really need prayer.

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Until we'll see next time be blessed by our merciful God!

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Do you know for God was hard to give His Son to sacrifice to death for us?

I'm not gonna prolong this article, for not letting you boring on this page. Yes! For God was really hard to give His beloved Son, J...