Holy Spirit, the guidance in our lifes. How and why is important?

How many times have you ask your selfs the importance of guidance of the Holy Spirit?
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From the Old Testament until our days the  Holy Spirit has not stoped to guide those who have hearts for God.

To understand that we've to understand the person of God starting from the fall of mankind. When God created the heavens and the earth He actually renew all things, because a third part of preadamic creation has corrupted her self from Lucifer to those angels that became demons. In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 10 we found a revelation from Jesus Him self: devil has been cast out from heaven (Revelation, chapter 12) and dropped on the earth like lighting strike that affected the earth.
This is the moment when God recreate the earth because it was realy affected. Everything became like new on the earth and God created a man and a woman for the him. They were perfect and uncorrupted by devil, until the moment when they fall in sin and Adam and Eve have lost connection with God. They felt they lost the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Even humanity has fallen in sin, God remain faithfull in keeping His guidance for people. The first moment when God showed His guidance is when He sacrificed a animal and brought clothes to Adam and Eve, cause they felt ashamed unclothed.

Another time was with Jacob, the son of Isaac. Another period was with Israel from Egipt until the promise land and they enter it and took it. Another period was with Elijah with the miracles from God. Another period we find it with Samuel, Jeremiah, Isaiah. The most beautiful period that I love was with Jesus. That was the perfect guindance on the earth ever in this world.

The guidance of Holy Spirit is personal and by the group. Jesus said once: "I have to leave to let the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to come to you and He will guide you in all the Truth. He will not speak from Him, but everything what He hears".

Look at the work of disciples of Jesus and at the work of apostle Paul. Thats a great confirmation!

Why is important the quidance of the Holy Spirit?
Is important because the target is salvation from hell of humankind through Jesus Christ that He died for our sins and He raised from death that we can have a base of faith in God and develope our relationship with God! Is so important! The place of hell has been prepared for Lucifer and his demons, not for the humankind. If personal someone continue to reject salvation of God, that person became insensitive person to God until he became likea stone in his heart and is in real danger to lose everlasting life with God, our Father in heaven.

If you think this message is for you and you read it all, follow me on this blog and stay tuned for more great articles!

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Until next time be blessed by God!

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