Elijah, a man who stand for Israel

Elijah was a charismatic man who loved the holiness of God. In deed he realy loved God. He wanted to know more God personal. He was a faithful man of Moses's laws, laws that were given by God for Israel people through Moses.

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He enjoyed to celebrate Passover every year. He enjoyed to be happy for God. If read closer the actions of Elijah, you will see the character o him and his personality.

He was an extrovertit man of God. Has was very courageous. But the way that Israel was worshiped Baal and Astarthea was very dramatic, so real and also in contrast of God holiness.

Elijah wanted Israel to return to God who escaped them from Egipt and given them the land of Canaan. God did so many of Israel and we can see how God established Israel as a nation. He kept His promise for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Do you know why God kept His promise for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Because Jesus said about Him He is living God and of those who kept their faith in Him.

And also God has kept His promise because of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our complex Savior and Redeemer. In this promise God saw you and me, even everyone else in this world and all generations on this earth, from the past until Jesus will come back on thy sky with crowds of angels.

Israel was in dangerous to lose God and to be enslaved by other nations near them, because Israel has come to higher level to worship Baal and Astarthea.

What that means? By learning the rituals of worshiping Baal and Astarthea they actually killed babies, teens, men and women on those altars, they let their minds influenced by demons, they got involve seriously in sorcery and reading astrology. This reason brought Elijah standing in suffering prayer for along time and to bring this nation back to God, Elohim had a strange plan for that. In this time Elijah has become more stronger and more confident in his relationship with God. God had become Elijah's Comforter.

Without any explination Elijah said courageously to multitudes of Israel that will be no rain for 3 years and a half, because of this dramatic coruption in Israel. In a way or other I think that Elijah wss known as the prophet of God in Israel. At the end of this time Elijah challenge the 450 prophets of Baal and 400 of Astarthea in the midst of Israel to prove this nation that these prophets are worshiping a real god.

Elijah let them choose first a bull for sacrifice to call their god and who's god respond through fire, that should be the real god. They cut them self, leaped and scream in a crazy demonic way that their God to appear from the morning to evening. There was no one god to answer to them. What happened exactly? God, the Lord has block in spiritual heaven any demonic activity of Baal influence and put down any demonic power to demonstrate.

Elijah prepared and altar with 12 stones that surounded the trench with the bull insede and tripled the water in that trench, by the evening prayed to the Lord to answer through fire on that bull. You know what happened? Yes. God answered through fire on that tripled water trench with the bull in it.

What Israel done in that moment? They were astonished by this great miracle. Elijah said to Israel to kill all prophets of Baal. None of the escape and they were slaughtered in pieces with the swords and spears. A loto blood was sheeded on the earth. The curse was taken from Israel.

That was the moment when nation of Israel has repented of this great sin of worshiping Baal and kill people for Baal. In the same day of God's victory (because Elijah stand in long times prayers for Israel) He brought the rain in land of Israel. That is the moment of grace of God because Israel has repented.

You know what Jesus said when started the mission: "Repent, for God's kindom is near!". When you and me got repented, God is pouring out His grace through Jesus Christ.

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