Why you need to know that? Is this useful? If this is useful, how is useful?
First of all we have to understand that God is love as John had the revelation wroted in his first book addressed to believers in Jesus Christ, where you can find it in New Testament (1 John 4:16).
And the Gospel of John comes to help us to understand much how exactly, practicaly God acts in His love (John 3:16).
Why demons can not rezist in the presence of the Lord Jesus?
Here we have go back at the moment before the Earth and heavens were created by God. In the book of Revelation, chapter 12 we fond there was a war in heaven. Satan was pull out the third part of the angels of God from heaven of the Old Holy One.
In Isayah 14 you will find there how beautiful was Satan as angel (ex-Lucifer). He was the greatest angel ever. He was the lider of all angels in praising and worshiping the our God. He became proud of him and deceveid the third part of the angels and he turned these angels against God, provoking a big war in heaven.
What happened in fact? They rejected Christ in heaven together with Satan. They choose to do that. They knew what they were doing.
Defenetly God has aknowledge them before their choose about the aweful effects.
What happened when Satan and third part of the angels leaved God forever with no posibility of ever return?
Well, you may say that this is a good question... To find out we have to go back to see how they were. First of all they had the Spirit of God inside them, in each one of them. They could be happy, rejoyce in the God Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. They were inlove with God. Those angels were humble, kind and beautiful. They were shining before God. They were able to support, to handle the presence of God.
From the moment they leave God with no posibility of return and recovery, when they were cast out from heaven by Satan, Holy Spirit leaved them back. From this time in the next seconds they were no more able to love God, the glory of God dissappeared from upon them.
They become ugly, scareful, full of hatress, very violent and empty of God. I want you to understand that this is the way when they leave God. Because there is no Holy Spirit in them, thats the ireversable transformation of those angel.
Why their situation is ireversable? Their sin stands before them. God didn't not leaved them because they were deceived, but because they leaved God. They knew God, they could embrace God and they took anyting from God. They saw God face to face and they experience to power and the love of God.
I remember a situation when Jesus released a person from demons, they were reacting very strange. Abide the way! Demons have to mercy because they have no Holy Spirit.
Demons reacton was so scareful before the people when they were in the presence of Jesus. They possesed that person. They knew that Jesus will release that person from them, from demons.
You know what is remarcable? That Jesus was not afraid of demons and He only use the word of His mouth to release that person.
If you go in the Old Testament, God said to Israel that He will give the seven gnostic nations from the land of Canaan in their hands. By the guidance of God Israel was able to defeat those nations.
When Jesus died for our sins on the crouce, He took our sins on Him (don't ask me how, cause I don't know. It was a spiritual work of God) and by this way Jesus became our Rightesnous, the Lawyer and our Defender that stands today before God the beautiful Father for us.
When Jesus died for our sins, in fact He defeated Satan and demons because he first deceived people to sin against God!
Untill next time to be continued!
Don't forget to share to yours this article. Be blessed by God!
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