New Age: we are Gods. The power of mind

Well, the Bible also says in Exodus 7:1, Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34 that. Than which affirmation stays stronger? Of course the New Age conception says we can creat in our minds things and bring them to reality. Exactly the Bible says the same. I believe that you might be confused. So my question is this: where is the difference?


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And my answer is this: whereever there is no God by His Word (the Bible) and there is taken a different teaching, closer to Bible, there is demon influence; there is Satan's teaching in communication with demons. Sadly is the fact that many people who's teaching other these manipulation things, have no idea that this is a demonic constraint of human mind and the purpose of Satan to this conception is to block people's minds from hearing the Gospel of Salvation in Christ, Jesus, our resurrected Savior. That is apostle Paul who says that we have to stay aware and in the prayer, cause we are not fighting against blood and against the flesh. The fight is against the ruler of this world, place where Jesus, our Savior says that the world stays in the evil one, in Satan.

These types of teaching are the same acts of deceiving as it happened in Eden with Adam and Eve when Satan said there: "Of course, you wont die, but you will be like God knowing the good and evil". He used manipulate the truth of God to lie for his evil dramatic purpose against the humankind.

My story
I've seen on Youtube a young man in his room alone having two sticks and saying something to someone invisible: "Charlie, Charlie! Move the sticks!" and the sticks were moved without hands.

Here's what I say. Maybe you find something exciting, but is not at all. But when you see this kind of situation, there spiritual manipulation that will enslave you, that will control your mind. That is a type of contact with demons and once you've done that, he wont take only a finger, but all you body! And you know what? They bring you desease, death, hatress, emptyness, stress, family and work problems.

So as I told you a little bit earlier don't forget to follow up, share and let a comment. My vision is to bring something useful.

If you have any ideas, I am very ready to listen and to do something.

Thank you all and until next time be blessed by our Holy God!

Jesus Christ is alive!

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