Jesus Christ is an alien, but a Holy One!

Oh, yes! Jesus Christ was a alien. I will show you and that confirmes and sustain one of the subjects of who are realy aliens are.
Pray for me! I need prayers!


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First of all lets read the Gospel of John 8:58 in the Bible, New Testament:
"Most assuredly, I say to you before Abraham was (past tense), I AM (present time)".

Now if we go to Proverbs 8:22-31 in the Old Testament, we discover something more profound. Jesus was with God all the time. In the heaven of God the name of Jesus, who is alive, is the Word of God. And even John comes with a revelation from Holy Spirit in his gospel. Read John 1:1-3 in the New Testament, the Bible:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made".

In the Old Testament's books you will find Jesus in many circumstances and some exemples are in the book of Genesis, Daniel, Isaiah and others. In the book of Daniel he saves the lifes of the four people in the hot oven. Jesus done miracles things in the Old Testament. Not only in the New Testament. Jesus Christ was always present in the Israel people.
But now Jesus Christ, the Word and Wisdom of God, comes in human body in a miracle way as the subdued Son of God (John 8:35, 40, 42, 49, 50, 54). And here we can see the wisdom of God keeping the virginity of Mary without touching her but overshadowing her through the power of Holy Spirit and in this moment Jesus Christ is concepted direct in the womb of Mary. Don't forget that God created humankind. The joy that Mary had it in that moment was of such a great joy that came from Holy and Mighty Spirit of God, who is God also.
Now, what I love the most is this (and this is giving me so much joy and I wanna share with you this. In this moment I am almost crying of joy): Luke 1:34, 35 in the New Testament:
"Then Mary said to the angel, " How can this be, since I do not know a man?". And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God".

This is a great revelation from God. Now you can see how events are succeeded from eternity of God to us on earth and back into eternity of God when Jesus after all His marked work on earth goes back at the right side of God, our Father in heaven. And will come back on the skyes with multitude of angel to select those who have the Holy Spirit in them. The ones who have spiritual problems will remain on earth.

Conclusion of all these!

My dear brothers and sisters my conclusion of these is the confirmation of the real aliens in spiritual life, the real realm. Forget all movies photos with all kind of aliens, cause these may get your mind and spirit from Jesus Christ who is alive, the Son of God!

So as I told you a little bit earlier don't forget to follow up, share and let a comment. My vision is to bring something useful.

If you have any ideas, I am very ready to listen and to do something.
Thank you all and until next time be blessed by our Holy God!

Jesus Christ is alive!

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